Snowball stemming in PHP
When working on my PHP search engine I needed a stemmer to improve the tokenization and search index. After some research, I found the PECL Stem package, which uses the Snowball Stemming algorithm and has support for multiple languages. Exactly what I needed!
The PECL Stem package supports the following languages through these functions:
- Danish => stem_danish()
- Dutch => stem_dutch()
- English => stem_english()
- Finnish => stem_finnish()
- French => stem_french()
- German => stem_german()
- Hungarian => stem_hungarian()
- Italian => stem_italian()
- Norwegian => stem_norwegian()
- Portuguese => stem_portuguese()
- Romanian => stem_romanian()
- Russian => stem_russian_unicode()
- Spanish => stem_spanish()
- Swedish => stem_swedish()
- Turkish => stem_turkish_unicode()
To install, run:
$ pecl install stem
During the installation process, you will be prompted which languages to install support for. Make sure you select [yes] for all the languages you want to use.
After the extension is installed, make sure that your php.ini file contains the line:
Remember to reload apache, or whatever webserver you are using.
To check that if the extension has been correctly loaded by PHP, run:
$ php -i | grep 'stem support'
It should output: stem support => enabled
Example of how to use:
echo stem_english('computer'); // Prints the stem "comput"
echo stem_swedish('datorer'); // Prints the stem "dator"